Summer is soon upon us! That means it’s time to bust out your sunglasses, your favourite speedo and your bows and arrows!

To add to the excitement to summers much anticipated arrival, there are BIG new changes happening at Archers Arena! All these changes are in the spirit of serving you better and making your trip to Archers Arena even more unforgettable so without further ado, allow me to reveal these amazing changes to you in this week’s blog post!


The Upper Deck – Perhaps the biggest change is the second floor that we recently had constructed!  This second floor has been installed to give spectators a bird’s eye view of all the action happening in both courts.  This is undoubtedly the best place to be in to see the fight without actually being in it.


Upgraded Sniper towers – Our sniper towers have now doubled in size! We can get many snipers comfortably into a tower at once that can maneuver swiftly around each other. Furthermore, the lining of the tower has been padded with soft rubber to ensure sniper comfortability while leaning over to make difficult, angled shots. Holes have been drilled out of the side of the towers so ammunition can be delivered to snipers with ease and without the sniper having to divide his or her attention between ammo gathering and sharpshooting. Special bows have been installed in both towers on a rack that are more suitable for sniping gameplay. Lastly the ladder has been replaced with a staircase to ensure players can get up and down quickly and more importantly, safely. Life’s good as a sniper! (easily accessible for Nerf Wars as well)


Air Conditioning Unit – its summer but this thing can (but won’t) make it feel like winter! A common request during summertime is to play in air-conditioned courts and it has been granted. No sweating just looking at a bow and arrow!


Extended party room – Our current party room is being extended 2x its size! If you want a private or personal party with your huge group of friends, no problem! A sectional is going to be added between the two rooms as well to host multiple groups.


New Turf Court – We mowed the lawn and got rid of our grass court and replaced it with a new rubber court to make things clean and pristine


Archers Arena is always under development to make your experience better but we’ve never had such dramatic changes like this! I’ll see you in the sniper tower

Mr. Aimazing (Kyle)