Every year, you make a New Year's resolution to go to the gym. But in 2020 and 2021, there were lockdowns that prevent you from doing this. 2022 looked like it’s going to be heading the same way, but at Archers Arena, fear not!

If you want to change your life, start now! Lose all the extra pounds that you have been carrying around because of being in quarantine. You can do it without having to pay for a monthly subscription or worrying about other people. Train at our private gym with no judgment, your session will be private to you and your group.

$12 per person per hour, minimum 2 people charge on weekdays, and minimum 4 people charge on Friday, Saturday and Sunday!

Archers Arena wants to help you reach your goals for this year with our private gym space and some helpful tips!

Ask yourself why

Some people have goals for personal reasons. Others have goals because they feel pressure from society to do them. Make sure that you ask yourself why you want to do a goal before you set one. What is your New Year's Resolution? What are you happy with in your life? Would you like to change anything about your life? Once you find the reason, it will be easier to keep on going.

Set reasonable goals

People with broad goals can feel sad because they are difficult to complete. Be specific about what you want to do. Say for example: "I want to lose 10 pounds by the end of the year" or “I want to add 5 pounds to my squat rep at the end of each month”. Setting goals is good. You can work towards them. Set a goal to enter the gym! Go inside, change, put on shoes, drive to the gym, walk inside then leave then go home. Do it again and again until you are strong enough for something else.

write it down

Set a goal for yourself. Write it down on paper, or on your phone, and post it somewhere where you will see it every day. For example, you could post the goal on your mirror. Post about what you are doing to achieve that goal on social media so people can keep track of how close they are to achieving their goals too. You will be more likely to follow through with your goals if you write them down and post them online so other people know what you are doing too.

establish a schedule

One of the most important things you can do to keep your New Year's Resolution is to create a workout schedule. Try to work out at the same time and in the same place every day so you have a routine. Pick a time when it will not interfere with any other parts of your life.

come with a buddy

It can be hard to go to the gym by yourself. It is better if you have someone with you who will help motivate you and spend time with them. They will also make sure that you are going every day.