Omicron is the latest infection that’s been all over the news. It is more contagious and better at escaping immunity than any other virus we've seen.

Archers Arena wishes you to please stay safe and healthy during this lockdown. Make sure to wash your hands, use sanitizer, and wipe down high-touch surfaces with non-toxic antiseptics.

Stress, diet, and being active are how you reduce stress

Keep your work in a notebook or in a file on your computer so it's easy to find when you need it. Take breaks from your work every hour by doing something fun for at least 10 minutes. When you feel frustrated, take 2-minute walks to clear your head.

Eat three meals a day with fruit or vegetables at each meal and try not to eat foods with high amounts of sugar because they can make you crave more food which is unhealthy, make you feel tired and bloated which might cause stress. And here are some ways you can keep active:

Finish off your house chores

Do you have any chores or yard work you have been putting off? Doing chores like shoveling snow, gardening, and cleaning out your garage can help your to get stronger. It will also make it easier for you to exercise and clear up your head.

Take the stairs

If you live in a building with an elevator, try taking the stairs. At first, it will be hard but if you do this for a while, you'll get better at climbing stairs. This will help burn more calories than running outside and if you want to make it even harder, carry weight or skip steps! Just be careful when doing this.

Backyard exercise

If you have a backyard, you can exercise there. You can do things like run outside. It is good because it means you are getting fresh air.

Home Exercise

If you want to work out at home, it is not necessary to have a yard. You can clear space and then do different workouts that are quick, easy, or high intensity. Or you can use common household items like books or pillows for your workout.

Go for a walk or a run

Going for a walk is good for your health. You are more active because you are walking. You can listen to music or talk on the phone when you are walking. Always plan for a safe route, and bring items like money and identification, or your phone in case someone needs to help you.

Go for a nature hike

Nature hikes are good for you because they can reduce your stress and make you feel better. Hiking might also help strengthen your muscles, improve your endurance, or even lower your blood pressure.