At Archers Arena, the safety and health of our customers and the community have always been our number one priority. We know you might have questions regarding your bookings and in general as such in the times of this global pandemic. We would like to assure you that we are constantly monitoring the novel coronavirus outbreak and have taken measures at our facility to keep everyone around us safe. 

Steps We Have Taken:

  1. Confirmation Check - On our confirmation emails and calls we will be asking every single person about any symptoms to not show up at the Arena.

  2. Hand Sanitizer – We have a hand-sanitizer station placed outside the arena premises. Customers can sanitize their hands and use Lysol wipes to clean anything that needs attention.

  3. Fever Check – Before any customer puts on a mask or glasses or handles any equipment, we’ll be using non-contact fever-gun to check their temperature. We will be conducting this inside the lobby as the reading(s) won’t be accurate outside. We’ll continue to clean everything in the lobby and our larger facility with 70% alcohol constantly.

  4. UV Cleaning – We have installed hospital standard UV lights to sanitize the masks IN ADDITION to our stringent cleaning process WITH 70% ALCOHOL. The UV lights kill any residual bacteria/virus.

  5. Additional Hourly Check – We will be disinfecting the arena with 70% alcohol every hour

  6. Staff – All our staff is using masks to cover up their faces.

  7. Limitation on group sizes on our courts with up to 16 players on each court. We will add social distance spacing in the range as well

  8. Additional Head Protection have been purchased so no customers will have to use Helmets that were used by another customer on the same day.

    We will clean our equipment at the end of they day with soap and water, vapourized 70% isopropyl Alcohol as well leaving them to dry with UVC and Ozone sterilization commonly used in hospitals.

  9. We will ask ALL customers to provide a contact number in the unlikely case we need facilitate public health with contact tracing.

  10. Until further notice we are going cashless and limiting transactions in person. Bookings online ahead of time will be encouraged.

  11. Darts, balls, arrows and equipment will be sanitized between sessions with UVC and Ozone. The same equipment will not be used for back to back sessions.

  12. A sneeze guard has been installed at our front desk.

  13. We encourage customers to fill out waivers on their own personal mobile phones at and contact tracing is done through waiver information.

  14. For high traffic areas such as main door and washroom doors we have installed foot handles. Some doors will simply remain open at all times.

  15. We encourage customers that have their own hockey helmet or safety glasses to bring their own.

  16. Until further notice, our water fountain is disabled but a fridge with cold bottled water is available inside the arena. (No personal bottles are allowed in the fridge)

Steps We Want Everyone To Take:

Health and safety of all in such times are our collective responsibility. We encourage all our community members and customers to;

1.     Frequently wash their hands with soap and water

2.     Cover your nose and/or mouth with a tissue or your elbow if you have to sneeze or cough

3.     Please stay home if you are sick


Because of the pandemic, we had many concerns from customers so we recommend many to reschedule to a future date of their choice. If a day was not available yet we would keep credit to your account that WILL not expire.


Steps for our Customers and Community:

  1. If any customer would like to reschedule their party for a future date please give us a call 6479927362.

  2. Customers eligible for a full refund, if you choose to keep the payment as credit we would grant your party an extra hour of gameplay when the time comes. Offer for existing bookings based on availability.

We thank you for your support.

We’ll be soon making further announcements. Do keep in touch with us on social. Together, we shall overcome this.

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